Fourteen. Months.
Here's what's going on:
- The molars, they do not quit. As of last check (mama's tired of being bit!), three of Henry's one-year molars have broken the surface, and the fourth is right there. This maybe shouldn't surprise us, because all of his teeth have come in four-at-a-time so far. Efficient, I guess?
- Despite the molar mayhem, he's been sleeping better than ever for the past few weeks. It's not uncommon for him to sleep from 7-7 (I never thought we'd sleep until 7 again!), with two one-hour naps during the day. This is remarkable - though he's generally been a good nighttime sleeper, naps have always been a struggle. No idea what's going on in that little brain of his, but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.
- We've kept up with the baby signing, and it's really fun. We haven't showed him any videos or anything, we just use the books we have to teach him signs one at a time. He'll pretty reliably sign the following things: more, eat, drink, all done, wash hands, hot, bath, towel, milk, sleep. He also waves, claps and blows kisses.
- He's saying mama and dada, as well as dog. I guess dog was his first word? He's also sort of into animal sounds right now. He does this really cute "arf" whenever he sees a dog, and he likes to roar. Yesterday he pointed at the tiger on my RIT shirt and roared. He also likes yelling, especially in restaurants.
- Walk walk walk walk. Now that he knows how to walk, he loves doing it. Back and forth all day. He has even started running a bit.
- He's eating really well. I think he has a pretty good diet for a toddler. He pretty much eats what we eat at this point, and he rarely gets baby food anymore. He has liked some surprising things: sauerkraut, pickled ginger, chicken liver, Moroccan-spiced chicken. Yet a tomato made him gag. His favorites include all kinds of fruit, cheese, sweet potatoes, and toast. And whatever that is that you're eating.