Sunday, April 11, 2010


So, our general parenting philosophy so far has included limiting the amount of "stuff" we accumulate. That being said, we just purchased this giant hunk of plastic because we thought it would entertain our little guy, and boy does it. It also allows me a solid fifteen minutes of hands-free time, which is pretty great.

The only problem - the little dirty toe marks on his PJs that show our poor housekeeping.

We'll work on that.


  1. We loved the jumperoo.
    And from what I recall, the song is not that annoying and you can turn it off.

    Have fun, Hank! And Val and Adam, have fun eating dinner with both hands!

  2. hilarious!
    love, emma

  3. LOL!! Very cute!


  4. I love how Hank pauses and considers the act of bouncing before he begins again.

    "What was I just now doing that I seemed to like so much? Oh, yeah..." [bounce! bounce! bounce!]
