Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nine months!

It has been a busy month. Here are nine things about Henry at nine months:
  • He's crawling! We saw him do it for the first time last weekend. He'll often switch back to the army crawl on our hardwood floors, I guess because he can drag himself around pretty efficiently without friction. But he's moving around, and as we suspected he is into everything. Time to get serious about this whole baby-proofing business.
  • This has been the month of teeth. Four teeth in one week, and the next two look like they'll be here any day now. He is handling it quite well.
  • He's just starting to pull up on us... this one might take awhile, as he has a lot of weight to throw around!
  • At his nine month appointment, Henry weighed 25 lbs 1 oz and was 30 inches long. He hasn't gained much weight in the past three months but has gotten quite a bit longer. Still, he's at the 97th percentile for weight (so, back on the chart!) and 94th percentile for length. Oh, and 75th percentile for head circumference. A big boy, indeed. (The other day, a stranger guessed he was two years old.)
  • He's doing a fair amount of mimicry these days, which is pretty cute.
  • He lost his appetite for solids a bit when first teething, but we think it has come back. Around the same time he seemed to develop an aversion to purees, and would rather feed himself chunks of food. So, most of his meals these days consist of small chunks he can feed himself - current favorites are eggs, avocado, peach, chicken (he LOVES chicken), beans, and blueberries.
  • Diaper changes have become more challenging, as he'd almost always rather flip over and scoot away.
  • Looking at pictures almost always makes him laugh - photographs on the refrigerator, pictures on our phones, magazines, whatever.
  • He loves being outside... we are dreading winter for this reason!
Happy birthday, Henry! You're awesome.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Well, after putting it off for as long as possible Henry entered the world of teething with a bang - four teeth in one week! His first tooth popped through last weekend while we were visiting friends in Buffalo. Right now, the two center teeth on the bottom are through, the top left center tooth is through and the top right center tooth is almost all the way through. He has two more teeth on top that look like they're on their way. For all the turmoil going on in his mouth, he's doing remarkably well. He definitely has more moments of fussiness, and he's had more trouble going down for naps, but overall he's pulling through like a champ.

Yes, that's our darling boy gnawing on a chicken bone. At least it's from a local, organic chicken, slow-cooked and smoked by his papa. :)

Teething biscuits make an unholy mess, but he does like them. You can see his little bottom tooth here, if you look closely.