Well, after putting it off for as long as possible Henry entered the world of teething with a bang - four teeth in one week! His first tooth popped through last weekend while we were visiting friends in Buffalo. Right now, the two center teeth on the bottom are through, the top left center tooth is through and the top right center tooth is almost all the way through. He has two more teeth on top that look like they're on their way. For all the turmoil going on in his mouth, he's doing remarkably well. He definitely has more moments of fussiness, and he's had more trouble going down for naps, but overall he's pulling through like a champ.

Yes, that's our darling boy gnawing on a chicken bone. At least it's from a local, organic chicken, slow-cooked and smoked by his papa. :)

Teething biscuits make an unholy mess, but he does like them. You can see his little bottom tooth here, if you look closely.
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