From the "language development" files... Here's how Henry is saying banana. He does that finger gesture every time and we have no idea why. Guess it's a sign he made up?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Seventeen months!!
It has been a while. A few days after our last blog post, Henry came down with croup, which was awful. It stuck around for about a week, and involved four doctor's visits, an ER visit and subsequent hospital stay, breathing treatments and three rounds of steroids. He's over it now, of course, but it seemed to throw us off track for a while there. He still coughs at night sometimes, but now I'm wondering if it's just springtime allergies. We still sort of brace ourselves for that croup-y cough when we hear him wake at night, but so far, so good.
It's been a while since we've done a birthday post, so here are some things about Henry at seventeen months -
- He finally got his first haircut this week. The hockey mullet, as Adam affectionately called it, is no longer. He was really good, a little apprehensive but didn't fuss or squirm at all.
- We're loving the spring weather, when it comes. There have been just enough sunny days to break up the spring rain, and we get outside as much as we can. He loves walking outside, picking up sticks, splashing in puddles, and exploring the playground.
- For a while there, his appetite seemed to be diminishing, but it is back in full force. The kid loves to eat. New and continuing favorites: yogurt (sometimes I buy him the YoBaby yogurts for a treat, but usually he eats plain), any kind of fruit, edamame, Joe's-Os, eggs, toast with mango butter, roasted seaweed.
- He's still "talking" all. the. time. He has more recognizable words now - mama, dada, addie, cracker, shoes, go, up, hot, bye-bye... We've also taught him the sign for "help" and he's pretty good about using it rather than yelling/grunting when he needs help with something.
- He's finally using mama and dada in a way that shows he knows what they mean. He does this thing we call taking inventory, where if he's with Adam he'll randomly ask about mama and addie, and vise versa.
- He loves that dang dog.
- It took a few weeks after his illness, but he's sleeping well again. He wakes up around seven most days, and will sit up and babble for a while.
- He's kind of obsessed with giving kisses, and receiving them when he gets hurt.
- He's more and more of a little boy every day!

Monday, March 14, 2011
Under the Table Boys' Club
For no explainable reason lately, Henry has liked to climb under our dining room table. For yet again no obvious reason, he then took to dragging me somewhat insistently under the table with him. Most of the time, we just sit in silence (him with a goofy smile on his face) until we ask Val to find us. Val will ask out loud, "Where are Henry and Dada?" He'll sort of get excited, but I tell him to be quiet or it'll give us away. When Val finally looks under the table, he thinks it's really exciting and scary all at once. It also works to do it when Val is sitting right there, but she reaches under the table and touches Henry's face, whereby he explodes in giggles.
Today was a slight departure from those routines and he brought me "If you give a Moose a muffin." By the way, don't do it, that Moose will never leave your house! Addie joined us, since it was 4 minutes past her dinnertime and she wanted to convey that she was about to die of hunger.

We went to a birthday party this past weekend for the daughter of one of my co-workers. It was pure chaos, but in a fun way, and it reminded us of his birthday 3 1/2 months ago. Even more so, there were kids of all ages there, including a 6-week old, and it's really hard to imagine him being that sleepy, small and still. He's changing fast these days and it's fun to be able to interact in new ways now that he's communicating more and more every day. The weather is breaking even here in cold, gray Pittsburgh and I'm looking forward to putting his bike seat on my bike for some rides.
I'll end the post with a picture of Henry wanting to show his birthday party friends how climbing under the table is properly done.

Today was a slight departure from those routines and he brought me "If you give a Moose a muffin." By the way, don't do it, that Moose will never leave your house! Addie joined us, since it was 4 minutes past her dinnertime and she wanted to convey that she was about to die of hunger.

We went to a birthday party this past weekend for the daughter of one of my co-workers. It was pure chaos, but in a fun way, and it reminded us of his birthday 3 1/2 months ago. Even more so, there were kids of all ages there, including a 6-week old, and it's really hard to imagine him being that sleepy, small and still. He's changing fast these days and it's fun to be able to interact in new ways now that he's communicating more and more every day. The weather is breaking even here in cold, gray Pittsburgh and I'm looking forward to putting his bike seat on my bike for some rides.
I'll end the post with a picture of Henry wanting to show his birthday party friends how climbing under the table is properly done.

Sunday, March 6, 2011
More "Say What?"
Sorry for the strange vertical format, but I was more concerned with the road at the moment.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
"He's tremendous"
That's what Henry's pediatrician had to say about him at his fifteen-month visit. And really, who could argue?
At 15 months, Henry is 32.5 inches tall and weighs 28 pounds. At long last, he's solidly in the eightieth percentiles for both - 84th for height, 87th for weight (though his big head is still hanging around in the nineties). We got a print out of his record, and it's amazing to look at his growth - especially around seventh months, when he was recorded in the 101st percentile.
The doctor was also able to get a good look in his mouth, and pointed out that he's cutting approximately four new teeth, in addition to his molars. That kid does not play around when it comes to teeth.
Adam and I tend to think of ourselves as pretty laid-back, but we're certainly not immune to the paranoia and uncertainty that plague first-time parents. Our pediatrician does a great job of addressing our concerns and reassuring us that everything is as it should be, and we always leave Henry's appointments thinking - huh, maybe we're figuring this out after all. And we have one tremendous boy to show for it.
At 15 months, Henry is 32.5 inches tall and weighs 28 pounds. At long last, he's solidly in the eightieth percentiles for both - 84th for height, 87th for weight (though his big head is still hanging around in the nineties). We got a print out of his record, and it's amazing to look at his growth - especially around seventh months, when he was recorded in the 101st percentile.
The doctor was also able to get a good look in his mouth, and pointed out that he's cutting approximately four new teeth, in addition to his molars. That kid does not play around when it comes to teeth.
Adam and I tend to think of ourselves as pretty laid-back, but we're certainly not immune to the paranoia and uncertainty that plague first-time parents. Our pediatrician does a great job of addressing our concerns and reassuring us that everything is as it should be, and we always leave Henry's appointments thinking - huh, maybe we're figuring this out after all. And we have one tremendous boy to show for it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Day in the Park
Friday, February 18, 2011
Fifteen Months
Just like that. Some notes about life at fifteen months:
- The morning nap is officially dead. For a few solid weeks he was reliably taking a good morning and afternoon nap, which was pretty amazing. But then suddenly, one day, he just wouldn't do it. I'd put him down in the morning, and he'd spend an hour rolling around, sitting up, playing with his stuffed animals. Not crying, but definitely not sleeping. So, this week we scrapped the morning nap and shot for one afternoon nap, and it has gone surprisingly well. I had hoped the afternoon nap would get longer, and maybe it will, but for now it's about an hour long. Henry has a long troubled history with naps to begin with, so we feel like we are getting through this change pretty easily.
- He is very chatty. We have "conversations" (like the one in the video I posted) all day. He sits in his carseat and "reads" books to himself. He talks to the librarian, the cashier at the grocery store, and anyone I'm talking to. It's pretty cute, because he's very expressive. Not too many recognizable words yet, though. He does say "light" and point at the lights, and he says hot. He's kind of obsessed with things being hot.
- One molar is almost completely through, two are about halfway through, and one is still hiding.
- His new favorite breakfast is oatmeal (regular rolled oats or steel-cut oats) with frozen blueberries mixed in. And he loves sardines, which I share with him because they're good for us, even if they give me the willies a little bit.
- I don't know his weight/length yet, because I rescheduled his fifteen month check-up so that we could go to the zoo on the nicest day of the week. Bad mama, or best mama ever?
- He's really into leading us around by the hand right now, which is cute, if a little bossy.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Mattress Factory
Though winter backed off just a bit today, the Mattress Factory (a museum of installation art) was opening its doors for free to bring people to a book signing by a curator. We'd been before, but not with Henry. He ended up getting pretty fed up with it, but this was before the angry eyes.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Fourteen months

Fourteen. Months.
Here's what's going on:
- The molars, they do not quit. As of last check (mama's tired of being bit!), three of Henry's one-year molars have broken the surface, and the fourth is right there. This maybe shouldn't surprise us, because all of his teeth have come in four-at-a-time so far. Efficient, I guess?
- Despite the molar mayhem, he's been sleeping better than ever for the past few weeks. It's not uncommon for him to sleep from 7-7 (I never thought we'd sleep until 7 again!), with two one-hour naps during the day. This is remarkable - though he's generally been a good nighttime sleeper, naps have always been a struggle. No idea what's going on in that little brain of his, but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.
- We've kept up with the baby signing, and it's really fun. We haven't showed him any videos or anything, we just use the books we have to teach him signs one at a time. He'll pretty reliably sign the following things: more, eat, drink, all done, wash hands, hot, bath, towel, milk, sleep. He also waves, claps and blows kisses.
- He's saying mama and dada, as well as dog. I guess dog was his first word? He's also sort of into animal sounds right now. He does this really cute "arf" whenever he sees a dog, and he likes to roar. Yesterday he pointed at the tiger on my RIT shirt and roared. He also likes yelling, especially in restaurants.
- Walk walk walk walk. Now that he knows how to walk, he loves doing it. Back and forth all day. He has even started running a bit.
- He's eating really well. I think he has a pretty good diet for a toddler. He pretty much eats what we eat at this point, and he rarely gets baby food anymore. He has liked some surprising things: sauerkraut, pickled ginger, chicken liver, Moroccan-spiced chicken. Yet a tomato made him gag. His favorites include all kinds of fruit, cheese, sweet potatoes, and toast. And whatever that is that you're eating.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
After a few blissful months where Henry seemed content with the teeth he had, we're back on the teething train. He's been acting differently for a few weeks now - more grumpy, not wanting to nap (though that's fairly common overall), more drooly and bitey. Today I was finally able to get a finger in is mouth (he clamps down pretty fiercely every time I try) and I could feel that one of his top molars has broken through. Apparently, molars are even more painful because of their flat surface. Good times in the Cummings household once again!
(Also, the words "erupt" and "shed", in reference to teething, sort of give me the shivers.)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
beep beep
Ok, so it has been a while. There's lots to talk about - Thanksgiving, a nasty stomach virus, Christmas, walking, sleeping, and general hilarity. But for now, a video. Henry rocking along with one of his favorite Christmas presents, a truck that plays a rather jazzy version of "Rockin' Robin" with a little "beep beep" at the end.
More soon, promise!
More soon, promise!
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