Today was a slight departure from those routines and he brought me "If you give a Moose a muffin." By the way, don't do it, that Moose will never leave your house! Addie joined us, since it was 4 minutes past her dinnertime and she wanted to convey that she was about to die of hunger.

We went to a birthday party this past weekend for the daughter of one of my co-workers. It was pure chaos, but in a fun way, and it reminded us of his birthday 3 1/2 months ago. Even more so, there were kids of all ages there, including a 6-week old, and it's really hard to imagine him being that sleepy, small and still. He's changing fast these days and it's fun to be able to interact in new ways now that he's communicating more and more every day. The weather is breaking even here in cold, gray Pittsburgh and I'm looking forward to putting his bike seat on my bike for some rides.
I'll end the post with a picture of Henry wanting to show his birthday party friends how climbing under the table is properly done.

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